Rochester, NY
Dear female educational leaders,
Burnout is not a lifestyle!
I know some of you are living it but i'm telling you there is a way out. You can make changes.
Using my proven system, female educational leaders can go from feeling like "Why do I do this work," due to constantly being overwhelmed to...
...loving their job again and spending more time with their family.
This series will help you rediscover your passion for work while also celebrating life outside of it.
This is not about trade-offs; it's about achieving harmony.
Feel like you too much work and not enough time to get it all done? In part four I talk about:
Dr. Donna Marie Cozine is a leader, author, speaker, and executive coach.
After leaving the school she founded, Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts in Rochester, New York, she has focused her energies on helping female educational leaders manage the competing priorities that they face daily.
She also works with schools and districts to create sustainable leadership pipelines that grow leaders from within.
Dr. Cozine is currently living the dream in Fairport, New York, with her husband Craig, daughter Juliet, son Theo, and her biggest four- legged fan Oliver. Dr. Cozine loves to speak with leaders from around the world to help them reach their goals.